If you get really lucky and kill the hound with a top attack, move below your thorn shooter. Going to start out with the solo scenario to get my feet wet and get used to how the class works. Summoner Class Guides. The monsters will fight back. Go early(ish) with two attacks. This can be replaced if you don't like it. When you kill the drakes, the cave bear spawns immediately and gets an initiative card. Even with 40 hp, the bear should be fairly straightforward with your thorn shooter safely at range. In the case of wolves, I suppose you get to choose the order. [ ] Replace one -2 card with one +0 card At level 4, they get 3 base attack, which makes your summons sad. Again, the top drake only has one card that can reach your thorn shooter. I no longer had Living Night in my deck and just handled everything with the two ranged summons. Plane of Wild Beasts (Summoner Solo Scenario) - Gloomhaven - Tabletop Simulator by Songbirdo. The solo scenarios were given away for free by the Gloomhaven designer, Isaac Childres. Remember you get to finish your turn, so hit the bear with everything. Turn 4, I went as late as possible again, to allow the wolves to move forward (still out of range of the thorn shooter) and used the top of ethereal vines to immobilize them for next turn, letting our thorn shooter safely attack them 2 turns in a row. [ ][ ] Add one +2 card Do not move because you need to take a hit for your thorn shooter. This scenario is fairly short so there isn't much need to long rest except to refresh your boots. The bottom action is just too good for getting another hit in and for keeping your ranged summons safe. The bear will probably take out a summon a turn. I basically ended up doing what you did until turn 3 (except I dropped the thorn shooter further to the top to keep it further from the bottom of the map), where I used unending dominance to go at the end of the round and summoned the lava golem as close as I could to the drake. This includes a 24-page scenario book of 17 all-new solo scenarios and a deck of 17 item cards - rewards for completing each of the missions. Gloomhaven Summoner cards level 6 to 9. Oozing Manifestation(3) - The slime is a great tank for this scenario. It's only got one card which lets it hit your thorn shooter. I took Strength in Numbers, but if you took Conjured Aid, I would replace Biting Wind with Bonded Might because you really want an extra command. What the monsters flip will determine what you should do this turn. Empowering Talisman - Really nice item. Stamina potion back Oozing Manifestation and Living Night. That said, those base stats at scenario level 3 do seem a lot more manageable. Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion. I also never summon the Slime Spirit (like, in general, unless I really, really need something to tank hits). I like to be on the right to catch a drake hit instead of my wolves. Go as early as possible and hit the hounds before they get to do anything. According to rulebook they act in the order in which they were summoned (end of page 26). Level 3 normal hounds only have 2 base attack. Mighty Bond(1) - The better of the level 1 command cards. Images. If you get unlucky and don't kill the hound, your thorn shooter should deal with it later. There are 28 cards in the Gloomhaven Scoundrel’s deck. But I can’t get through a single scenario with Two-Mini without the game locking. Press J to jump to the feed. Both of the level 5 choices are nice. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. Even though none of the enemies have shield, they all have cards which give them shield, which the wolves then pierce. TWO-MINI SPOILERS Circles + Two-Mini Combo Guide by Themris. Painted Minis. I would not recommend skipping Oozing Manifestation, but if you did you can probably make it work. At this point you are just going to try and keep your lava golem alive and the wolves immobilized and the rest should be smooth sailing. Cloak of Invisibility is alright but sometimes it's actually better for you to tank for your summons. Remember that you can take a couple hits yourself. Go late and let the drake do its thing before you move forward. Overview by wafflepie. So from here on I'm assuming you are level 5 or 6. You may need to use your boots. The idea here is that the scenario is actually quite short, and we can use the ranged retaliate and wound from the lava golem to quickly end the drakes after they get an attack each, or even better kill them with the lava golem before they move by using a command card. Try to kill the hounds and do some damage to the bottom drake. A third summon seems sort of necessary, but you cant really afford to play another from your hand if you've used unending dominance already. The hounds should take about 3 hits to kill each. I recommend short resting over long resting because you have Unending Dominance in your hand, so you can't lose it. Now I need to figure out if enemies will see earlier summoned allies as lower initiative. The Scoundrel has a hand limit of 9 cards, the smallest hand limit of all the starting characters, so we’ve not got a huge amount of cards to play with. All main campaign, solo (including unlockables), No Pun Included (NPI), Into the Unknown, and just-released Capital Intrigue scenarios (1 - 3) Most sealed content Full rulebook, terrain, map, map stickers, achievements, etc etc. Sadly, it comes on the same level as Divided Mind. Class Guide by u/Pramxnim. Recommended if you do not have the prosperity 4 item. First, I completed the solo scenario at level 5. One thing i do not get is turn four, you mention that player chooses order in which summons act, how so? I played this one just earlier this week at level 7 and actually very differently. Render as: List. Turn 5: Strength in Numbers + Divided Mind. Let me know how it works for you! For me this card looks like the most powerfull control card a Summoner has to offer, just because it is able to trigger two attacks and you do not even have to stand close. Class Guide by Paul T. on BGG. Existing simultaneously across an infinite number of planes can be both a curse and a blessing. These scenarios are locked until the town has achieved prosperity level 3 and two characters have retired. Usually the bugs are inconvenient, or even helpful. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He has a couple cards that let him attack two in a turn. ... I’ve also created a guide for the locked Sun class and the Triforce class. I always said that this game was and still is too heavy (not complex) to be a board game. Divided Mind(4) - Two summon moves or two summon attacks. I only needed the first three items. One hound spawns. After this, slowly clean up the drakes. It tracks initiative, monsters, and characters so you can focus on playing the game rather than bookkeeping. Ignore negative scenario effects and add two +1 cards, Replace one -1 card with one +1 card (x3). I edited my guide to reflect that. Something went horribly wrong and they now live an eternal existence trapped between the planes, forced to forever witness infinite realities at once. Turn 4: Earthen Steed + Oozing Manifestation. [ ] Remove two -1 cards I believe that taking Earthen Steed and Divided Mind is necessary. TWO-MINI SPOILERS Circles + Two-Mini Combo Guide by Themris. Solo board game players seem to have a great time with it! Boots of Speed - The Summoner is probably the best character for this item. You don't need to play exactly like me. Reputation Discount: none-5 gold-4 gold-3 gold-2 gold-1 gold. They have a health of 6, the same as Mindthief, making them a useful shield when facing relentless enemies, especially elite or bosses, which cannot be killed during one turn. 1-4 players, 30 min. In this document, you will find a solo scenario for each of the 17 classes in Gloomhaven—a scenario that can be played using that class and that class only. These scenarios are locked until the town has achieved prosperity level 3 and two characters have retired. Wild Animation(1) - This thing will poison every monster in the scenario. As Kaniol said, you can neither choose the order your summons act in, nor the order they are focused on. Here are the cards that I played for the first few turns, using the initiative of the first card. More Gloomhaven articles. Remember to hit with the thorn shooter first, and try to tank with the slime as much as possible. Every single card has to be flexible and count for us. I donâ t think we can play gloomhaven without this since it wou Hounds can barely touch it and it's good at distracting the drakes. [ ][ ][ ] Replace one -1 card with one +1 card Class Tactics by u/mralph03. The "Teddy Bear" comes from 1902 when U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt (a.k.a. I hope you enjoyed my guide to this short but fun solo scenario. Any other summoning related items are good to have.
Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It lacks streamlining and thus, even with four players, we forget things, too much ambiguity, etc. This means that your slime summon can sometimes get hit without any damage, and your wolves will likely survive one hit. A spitting drake spawns very far away. 1 Town Records Book 11. City & Road Event Decks Teddy) refused to shoot a bear cub that was brought to him. Thanks for pointing it out! In the process players will enhance their abilities with experience and loot, discover new locations to explore and plunder, and expand an ever-branching story fueled by the decisions they make. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Living Night(1) - I really like the wolves in this scenario. A few times I’ve just had to make Two-Mini long rest to keep the game moving. per player. (updated april 2019) Thank you for bringing Gloomhaven to the video game industry. An Aesther’s thirst for knowledge, however, is insatiable, and they are willing to use their powers of shifting reality to further this pursuit. Circles + Two-Mini Combo Guide by Themris. Find Item: # Name Slot … New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Hello and welcome to my guide to the Summoner's solo scenario. Two hounds spawn surprised to see an army ready for them.
Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It lacks streamlining and thus, even with four players, we forget things, too much ambiguity, etc. This means that your slime summon can sometimes get hit without any damage, and your wolves will likely survive one hit. A spitting drake spawns very far away. 1 Town Records Book 11. City & Road Event Decks Teddy) refused to shoot a bear cub that was brought to him. Thanks for pointing it out! In the process players will enhance their abilities with experience and loot, discover new locations to explore and plunder, and expand an ever-branching story fueled by the decisions they make. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Living Night(1) - I really like the wolves in this scenario. A few times I’ve just had to make Two-Mini long rest to keep the game moving. per player. (updated april 2019) Thank you for bringing Gloomhaven to the video game industry. An Aesther’s thirst for knowledge, however, is insatiable, and they are willing to use their powers of shifting reality to further this pursuit. Circles + Two-Mini Combo Guide by Themris. Find Item: # Name Slot … New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Hello and welcome to my guide to the Summoner's solo scenario. Two hounds spawn surprised to see an army ready for them.