The female will lay an egg a day, sometimes missing a day if it’s cold or rainy. Id have a warm humidifier on hand and olive oil and an eye dropper. And its leg may be paralyzed, if the egg presses on a nerve. The latter gets stuck either in the uterus (the most common case) or in the vagina. Put your bird to bed early, by 5 or 6:00 p.m. A female Quaker parrot laying eggs is also normal, though not certain. Causes I thought this would be an important talk for anyone going through, or trying to avoid, the same problem. Some birds may also require medical intervention. An egg-bound bird faces possible death unless veterinary care is sought immediately. It boggles their mind when they do it without a mate being in the vicinity. The evil spawn is found very frequently in birds ( wavy, cockatiels, Catherines, inseparable …). The same goes for our pets. but crocks lay relitivly small ping-pong ball sized eggs and does not look to painful. It is a replay 0f Dr. Greg Rich, and will probably be up until Wednesday or Thursday. These conditions can cause dystocia, or “egg binding” in birds. A bird suffering from egg binding will have a swollen abdomen and wag its tail frequently. Nerve damage following injury (may resolve itself over time as nerve regenerates / heals or, if nerve has been severed, may be permanent). Female budgerigars, cockatiels, lovebirds, large parrots, and overweight birds commonly suffer from egg binding. Things you can do to discourage / stop your bird from laying eggs: Do not remove eggs which she has already laid. If your bird is showing symptoms of excessive or chronic egg laying, he should be seen by an experienced avian veterinarian. Aspergillosis: Can affect just about any parrot. Sometimes the easiest way to turn off the egg-laying cycle is to allow your bird to sit on her eggs. But it is all normal and can be controlled in case you don’t want her to lay eggs. The persistent laying of eggs may lead to malnutrition induced by the chronic depletion of calcium from the body for the production of the egg shells. If the bird does not have good muscle development or calcium stores, passing the egg may be difficult or impossible. 1. Sexing, reproduction, and breeding By definition, egg-laying sickness means the inability of the female to expel the egg. This phenomenon is also common in parrots. If you do have an egg-bound bird and an avian veterinarian is not available at the moment you can give her a couple of drops of olive oil on her beak, make sure she is … Constant egg laying will deplete your bird of vital nutrients, and predispose her to malnutrition , osteoporosis, and life-threatening health problems, such as egg binding and yolk peritonitis. Symptoms and Types. Chronic egg laying occurs when a female bird lays more than the normal number of eggs or, more commonly, lays repeated clutches of eggs, especially in the absence of a mate. Having had trouble recently with so much egg laying this winter (over now, knock on wood!) 10 things you can do at home to stop your bird from laying eggs. Excessive or chronic egg laying can happen in any species of birds but it is most common in Amazon parrots, cockatiels, finches, macaws, lovebirds and budgerigars. While egg laying can occur in any breed, it is most common in cockatiels, lovebirds, budgies, canaries, and finches. The bird will also have difficulty balancing on the perch. Unlike with cats and dogs, it is not a simple procedure to spay a bird. Other than that if she didn't pass the egg within hours of when she was suppose to, she needs to go to an avian vet. Other potential solutions for weak legs / paralysis. A bird that is on a balanced diet is in little danger of the health problems associated with chronic egg laying. with them more than others, allows regurgitation behaviors, and is very breeding parrots. Weak Legs / Paralysis. Signs of problems during egg laying, being egg bound, is if the egg isn't laid, prolapse cloaca, and prolong egg laying symptoms. It comes as a shock to many Quaker parents when their Quaker lay eggs out of the blue. For many birds, the most effective way to stop egg laying is through environmental and behavioral changes. When a female lays eggs, it is painful for them. He really goes into fairly well how to avoid egg laying, or how to deal with it once they have started laying.