The model doesn’t state when to use a particular form of persuasion, merely that the best model to use will be dependent on the elaboration level of the message recipient. The elaboration likelihood model was developed by Richard E. Petty and John Cacioppo in 1980. To appeal to these people, you decide to create a set of ads and online landing pages highlighting both the unique formula of the shampoo, which makes your hair appear shiny, and its all-natural ingredients. There are several pros and cons associated with the elaboration likelihood model. Conversely, if the decision is less important to you or you have little time available to think about it, you won’t invest much or any time elaborating on your decision. Dit model maakt onderscheid in twee typen van beïnvloeding: de centrale route en de perifere route. When persuaded through the central route, we’re less susceptible to others' attempts to change our mind later and we’re more likely to act in ways that match our new attitude. The model proposes that attitudes can be formed as the result of different types of processes. Central to this model is the “elaboration continuum”, which ranges from low elaboration (low thought) to high elaboration (high thought). The elaboration likelihood model (ELM) of → persuasion, developed by Richard Petty, John Cacioppo, and their collaborators, is an example of a “dual‐process” approach to persuasion (another example is Chaiken's heuristic‐systematic model, HSM). Essentially, the central route involves using critical thinking and trying to make the best decision possible. The ELM was developed by Richard E. Petty and John Cacioppo in 1980. However, not all researchers agree that there are two routes to persuasion: some researchers have proposed a unimodel of persuasion in which there is just one route to persuasion, rather than a central and peripheral route. Das Elaboration Likelihood Model In diesem Kapitel soll die grundlegende Funktionsweise des Elaboration Likelihood Model erläutert werden. Das ELM als Computersimulation 2.1 Modellierung des ELM 2.2 Zwei-Personen-Experimente. Central route processing happens when elaboration is higher. What Is the Schachter-Singer Theory of Emotion? Cacioppo and Petty’s Elaboration Likelihood Model Theory (ELM) seeks to explain how people process stimuli and how attitudes they develop from this influence their behavior. The strength of any attitude changed depends on where it was changed along the elaboration continuum. The elaboration likelihood model is similar to another theory of persuasion suggested by researchers, the heuristic-systematic model developed by Shelly Chaiken. "Elaboration Likelihood Model" 27 September 2017 20:29 Diperbarui: 27 September 2017 21:34 3308 0 0 Mohon Tunggu... Penerapan Teori Persuasi Pengembangan Proenvironmental yang Efektif dan Iklan layanan masyarakat. – The purpose of this paper is to review, critique and develop a research agenda for the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM). If you’re highly interested in a topic and have the ability to think about your decision, then you will be likely to elaborate on your decision. The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) attempts to place these many conflicting results and theories under one conceptual umbrella by specifying the … On the other hand, people who don't drink soda (or soda drinkers who live in a city that wasn’t considering adding a soda tax) would have lower levels of elaboration. The elaboration likelihood model (ELM) of persuasion is a model of how attitudes are formed and changed that was developed by R. E. Petty and J. T. Cacioppo in the early 1980s (see also attitude change). Consumer Behaviour: Elaboration Likelihood Model. Elaboration Likelihood Modell | Video Based Learning - YouTube According to the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion, there are two main routes that play a role in delivering a … The Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion. Aktuelles aus der Marktforschungsbranche. Das Elaboration Likelihood Modell (ELM) Ob in der Werbung, in der Politik oder im alltäglichen Gespräch mit Bekannten oder Freunden: Überzeugungsversuche sind allgegenwärtig. That is how we remember them. In the ELM, information is the primary driver of attitude change. Definition and Examples. You’ll be influenced by associating the decision with positive or negative cues or by using cognitive cues. Concept of Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion. The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) of persuasion is a dual process theory that describes the change of attitudes and behaviour. For example, imagine you’re reading about a proposed soda tax in your city. Having the opportunity means you have the time available to receive the message, process it, and then make your decision. Bij een hoge kans op cognitieve verwerking is de zogeheten ‘central route of processing’ effectief. The Elaboration Likelihood Model (Petty and Cacioppo 1981) is discussed as a framework for understanding attitude formation and change with regard to products and services. Das Elaboration-Likelihood-Modell gehört zu den prominentesten Ansätzen der modernen Persuasionsforschung. ABSTRACT - Multiple "routes" to persuasion have begun to appear in analyses of consumer attitudes and attitude change. Literaturverzeichnis. Elizabeth C. Hirschman und Moris B. Holbrook, Provo, UT: Vereinigung für … Description | So What? When elaboration is higher, people use central route processing requiring conscious cognition. By making the minor decisions on auto-pilot using peripheral processing, you free up more time to think about the more significant decisions you need to make. Das Elaboration-Likelihood-Modell gehört zu den prominentesten Ansätzen der modernen Persuasionsforschung. This video is a practical guide on how to use elaboration likelihood model in persuasion. You can think of elaboration as referring to how much conscious thought you put into. As claimed by Petty, et al. According to the creators of this model, these people who are gullible, trusting and believing, fall into one category. What does elaboration mean in the context of the model? Central route processing requires your conscious thought and critical thinking. 推敲可能性模型(英語: Elaboration Likelihood Model ,縮寫:ELM),或稱為慎思可能模式、詳盡可能性模型、精细可能性模型,是描述態度改變的說服理論模型,由心理学家 Rechard Petty和John Cacioppo於1986年提出 。 。“推敲可能性”意謂個人對於議題攸關的資訊仔細思量、慎思熟慮的程度。 Other factors can also affect our motivation to elaborate on an issue, such as how soon a potential issue will affect us (elaboration is higher for things that affect us more immediately), how much we already know about a topic (more preexisting knowledge is linked to more elaboration) and whether the issue relates to a core aspect of our identity (if it does, elaboration is higher).
elaboration likelihood model